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LoRa Products

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MikroTik KNOT

MikroTik KNOT

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MikroTik KNOT LR8 Kit

MikroTik KNOT LR8 Kit

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MikroTik LtAP LR8G LTE6 kit

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MikroTik wAP LoRa9 kit

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MikroTik wAP LR2 kit

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MikroTik wAP LR8G kit

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LoRa Products

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MiniPCI-e Cards

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LoRa Products

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Buyers Info

What is LoRa and what does it stand for?

LoRa or Long Range for short is a spread spectrum modulation technique derived from chirp spread spectrum wireless networking technology. It’s a low-powered platform that is standing proud right in the center of the Internet of Things (IoT). LoRa devices have accumulated hundreds of known uses for smart homes, cities, communities, supply chains, logistics, metering, agriculture, and much more. With millions of devices connected to networks in over 100 countries and growing, LoRa is on the right track to creating a smarter world.

Why LoRa and why it’s special?

The main advantages of LoRa technology are low power, low cost, and long-range connectivity. Another key feature that gives an edge to LoRa products is security for both, devices and networks. Furthermore, other great benefits of this technology include increased coverage and energy efficiency. LoRa is a systematic, sustainable way of thinking that strives to make lives more efficient and easy for everyone everywhere. Check out our range of MikroTik products for LoRa ready IoT solutions.